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Lenten Soup (Cauliflower)

~Gretchen Hulett~


1 1/2  cups          cauliflower (or broccoli) -- chopped
     1/4  cup           onion -- chopped
   1      cup           vegetable broth
   2      cups          milk (skim or 2%)
   2      tablespoons   cornstarch
     1/4  teaspoon      salt
          dash          pepper and crushed basil
     1/4  cup           swiss or cheddar cheese


1.  Place all vegetables and broth in saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover, and cook until vegetables are tender.

2.  Mix milk, conrstarch, salt, pepper adn basil; add to cooked veggies. Cook, stiring constantly, until soup is slightly thick adn miscture begins to boil.

3.  Remove from heat Add chees and stir until melted.

To speed time you can add previously cooked cauliflower (or broccoli).